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Posts in Initial Provisioning

The Power-by-the-hour (PBH) market holds considerable industry share and is projected to continue to expand due to low-cost airline growth.
No matter the size of an airline, it's essential to determine the right size of spare parts inventory that is needed to achieve the desired service level. But how can you determine whether the investment in an Initial Provisioning is the right solution for your airline?
When entering into Initial Provisioning (IP) of spares—the fundamental process aimed at securing the availability of spare parts—it is important that operators also see it as an opportunity for preparing for more efficient material management.
Initial Provisioning (IP) or Power-by-the-hour (PBH)? Both solutions have their strengths, but in today's data-driven aviation industry—where time is almost a literal currency and efficiency is a key factor in gaining or maintaining a competitive advantage—is there one solution that comes out on top?
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Outlining a Material Readiness Roadmap during the Initial Provisioning phase will help to better prepare your Entry Into Service or fleet growth. It's an extensive process to discuss specific parts lists and provisioning documentation as well as secure the supplier partnerships that are required for efficient operations.

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This blog is driven by Satair Marketing & Communication with input from both internal and external contributors.